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I am a seasoned leader and international business developer with over 35 years of experience in the corporate world.

My Story

I leverage my extensive knowledge and skills in sales, marketing, and communications to deliver innovative and effective solutions for complex projects and promote trade and investment between Texas and Hungary.

My cross-cultural competence and network enable me to work effectively in multinational teams and establish strong relationships with diverse stakeholders. I have successfully managed and led the development of programs and initiatives that expanded and promoted technologies, products, software, and services in various regions, including Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and the United States. I aim to connect with like-minded professionals and organizations that share my passion for engineering excellence and global business opportunities.I utilize my extensive knowledge and proficiency in engineering, sales, marketing, and communications to provide innovative and effective solutions for complex engineering projects and facilitate trade and investment between Texas and Hungary.


My ability to work effectively in multinational teams and establish strong relationships with diverse stakeholders is enriched by my cross-cultural competence and network. I have successfully managed and led the development of programs and initiatives that expanded and promoted technologies, products, software, and services in various regions, including Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and the United States. My aim is to connect with like-minded professionals and organizations that share my passion for engineering excellence and global business opportunities.

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